Working With Media Layers

How to Add a New Layer

STEP 1: While on the Media page, double click on the Media item that you would like to add a new layer too. This will open the Media Editor.

STEP 2: Click on the “+” sign at the bottom right. You will need to choose which layer type that you would like to add to your media item, either image, video, or text.

STEP 3: If you chose to use text, the layer should now be in your list of layers on the right. If you chose to use an image or video, choose from your existing image and video assets, or upload a new image or video. Once this is done, select the image or video, and it should appear in your list of layers on the right.


How to Rearrange Layers

STEP 1: While on the Media page, double click on the Media item that you would like to add a new layer too. This will open the Media Editor.

STEP 2: Click on the Data tab on the top right, if it is not already selected. Using the dragging tool to the left of the layer thumbnail, click and drag your layers to rearrange them into the desired order. Layers at the top of your list will appear above layers on the bottom of the list. Make sure to click on Save when you are done.

How to Delete Layers

STEP 1: While on the Media page, double click on the Media item that you would like to add a new layer too. This will open the Media Editor.

STEP 2: Click on the Data tab on the top right, if it is not already selected. In your list of layers, press on the three dots on the far right of the layer you wish to remove.

STEP 3: Click on Delete Layer to remove this asset. Make sure to click on Save when you are done.

How to Duplicate Layers

STEP 1: While on the Media page, double click on the Media item that you would like to add a new layer too. This will open the Media Editor.

STEP 2: Click on the Data tab on the top right, if it is not already selected. In your list of layers, press on the three dots on the far right of the layer you wish to duplicate.

STEP 3: Click on Duplicate Layer. Make sure to click on Save when you are done.