How to Set Up and Configure an RSS News Feed Template
Looking for a hassle free way to publish the latest news & posts from your favorite bloggers onto your screens? Our RSS NewsFeed Templates are here to save the day. Choose from a curated list of 15 trusted news sources that include: tech news, financial news, world news, sports news, and more. Along with this list of news sources we have also made it possible for users to add RSS feeds of their choice.
Watch the video below for tips or scroll down further for a step by step guide.
Here is how to get started:
1: Open the template drawer by clicking on the yellow plus button icon. The RSS NewsFeed templates are located at the top of the drawer
2: Once you have opened the RSS NewsFeed template of your choice changing and editing the feed is super easy. Just click: down-arrow icon (on News Feed layer)
3: Click: gear-icon (to edit the settings)
4: To change feed, click on down-arrow in “Select news feed” area
5: You now can choose from a collection of curated news feeds. If you want to add a custom feed select “Custom RSS”, and paste in the desired URL
Let’s breakdown what these other settings can do to your RSS NewsFeed templates:
- Date Format: Controls in which sequence and order the date is displayed
- Number of Items: How many news stories will get shown. Every time the template comes up in your playlist. For playlist tips click here
- Item Duration (Seconds): How long each individual news story will be
- Item Order: You can choose to play “newest first” “oldest first” “random”
- Item Age: This is where you control how current you want the news to be